The Earth breathes and moves mountains, it seems at times, or swirls into joy with great waves in the oceans to greet the walks I take to soothe my feet.
The wind blows right next to my window to wake the other breath in me, as I breath it seems to respond by brushing through the plants and trees.
I've been awake a long time this morning, wanting to rest inside yet moving from and to different rooms in this beautiful house. The air is cooler as fall approaches and the new moon begins to settle in .
What new callings to be placed among the space and time of this reality? What new vibrations other love to be evoke among the tribes and community of this global encounter.
I saw many movies this past month from documentaries, comedies and steamy romantic films. Injustice, challenges, evolutionary change and passion. The young women in Ethiopia shunned by the injustice of shame, humiliation by losing their child during childbirth: A walk to Beautiful...worth watching, just on the other side of the globe. An "People of the Wind" of the Bakhtiari journey into the Zagro mountains of Iran, if your migration seems challenging and doubtful at times try watching this last one.
I look over to the winding on my right where a beautiful small tree guards my room and on its branch sits a hummingbird ever reminding me of the joy in life and sustain this mood into the unknown.