Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Acknowledging Support, universal support....

I've been contemplating and writing about support, why is it that alot of times there is this sensation that I am left alone in the middle of this vast universe and a great resistance to enter sleep, to enter that magical time of in between, so I do, do, do because somehow its never enough. So through the breath work I've learned that I am fully complete and whole and with an abundance of love flowing through me and that not only I am supported by a vastness that is always there but its constant and for free.
I am learning about the power and wisdom of the conversation with the Earth. The growth and timeless interconnection we have.
So endless doing of duty work becomes a doing of not feeling until recently. Once the heart opens there is a different vision in how to do things and where those seeds come from, what am I cultivating, caring and harvesting. Does each action support my vision of love, this new found love that needs to be cultivated so I can expand into all that I was intending when I crossed over to this planet, to this side of adventure.
To further take a walk this day, I walk with music in my heart, feeling the rhythm of great Earth, of the birds that with loyalty sing their heart. I will be open to hear the caress of clouds over my head, and the whisper of each visiting wind, the voices of each person I encounter today, they joy in my mother's prayers, the white cabbage butterflies that roam through each plant in the garden, each sound, the phones ringing in the office, the busy travellers east and west down National blvd...endless vibrations of life.

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