Tuesday, February 16, 2010

More on Love

Sometimes the distance between having full presence and walking like your above the ground is slightly off. An ethereal feeling, one of the patients at the clinic where I work said. Ethereal...maybe that is what happens when you are disconected. Floating and being dreamy like, easily shifty into emotions that don´t belong to you. So I look around, felt each person as they were finished with their sessions and always curious at how acupuncture affects each one. AFter all we are here to move energy, unplug emotions, unblock stuff that you´ve chosen to hold on to. Heal and soothe the muscles. Let the body flow again as the energy moves, circulating through your entire body.

Then they emerge (patients) from either room, with a feeling of release, enlightment and rest, yawning and wondering how they got there. For me it´s like witnessing full transformation, a current of love moving through each room and touching each one lightly to see if they might awaken. Some are extremely vulnerable, sensitive and other emerge talking even before they come to my desk. They stay there, they want to stay there.

Then there are others that long after they´ve left the clinic call in with the rising of clearance and tell that they don´t know what is wrong with them but that they feel ethereal and laugh as they try to describe the feeling.

This feeling of love or like a like to call it a current of love that travels every second through the city absorbs your heaviness, it sends waves of warm touch through different parts of your body, depending where you have manage to make an opening. I generally get waves of it around my ankles, on the left side of my body as if warm water is suddenly running through where I have managed to set aside the stones that keep it from flowing.

Love is more than a feeling my teacher told me once. Raised to believe it is something that rushes through your body, a surge of oxytocin that overflows from head to toe and then what...you are just driven by this feeling which is like taking a shortcut to the whole pleasure of being in love.

So love is moving with ease through life and extending your roots as you become grounded into what you are in your essence besides the different energies that have overtaken from the moment of birth. Once the manifestation of your mother and father has been released and you no longer carry out their dreams and unfinished business then the outpour of that first cry that took place as you were being born comes back to your body and you claim it, then all can take place as you intended before you came into life, before your conception.

more on this later....

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