Notice the round circle (orb) on JP´s left sleeve, we were taking pictures inside the base of a redwood and in my of these pictures these orbs appeared. Some friends have told me that they are energetic beings.
There were several things that stuck in my mind as I left LA to visit my son here in San Francisco. A couple days before I came to visit my dear friend and as I was sharing with her my next endevour with my Jean-Philippe, she said: you are sharing together, not that he is allowing you to participate, you are both participating.
As I left her house, I felt that was a piece of jewel to remember. Many times I´ve walked in life feeling like anything given to me was like a favor, a privilege I was allowed to have, almost like not really believing that I was worthy of it. It just reminded me of that new path I´ve decided to take where my existence is worthy of being here, I came here with purpose at heart and once you uncover your purpose there is no going back, there is an urgency of time and this lifetime is only a speck of the beauty that is there to experiment.
So, yesterday we decided to go for a hike at Guerneville, north of San Francisco where the redwoods are but not just redwoods, among the Armstrong trails we encounter the oldest tree (1500 years) and the tallest tree, a different type of silence within. There is a different type of energy there, ancient like caves deep within the Earth. As we began our walk the trail was steep, mostly uphill and I had already decided after my cleansing meditation breath that trees were going to be our witness and guides for this day. We were hiking with open hearts and nurtured by all the branches above as they witnessed our closeness, our sharing, our laughs and time together. My purpose here is to open our communication, grow in depth with it and learn from each other. I´ve been a teacher to him as he has been a teacher to me.
Another dear friend from the Sedona workshop, who also has an daughter told me her secret as a mother, that in order to know more of them get to their activities, their music, their games so you understand more of their world, their views and have more to share. So I sat last night with him, we were at the computer learning the intricacies of Blizzard, World of Warcraft games. Basically for me the only time I can sit for longer periods of time, besides my job, on the computer is when I sit down to write. Now I was carefully listening to this amazing online game that he has been involved for years. It is played world wide and each person can create their own characters and travel to the different continents on special quests or mission as druid, elves, warriors, magicians...etc. among floating crystal cities and have the capability of transforming into different creatures or animals to travel as a lepard or horse or fly among the skies. So tonight we will develop my character, yes moms do play also, in fact he was telling me of a friend he has that the mom basically took over the game and played more than her son at times. The most interesting thing that came up was as he was telling me the different characters he had develop, his main character who had acquired like level 80 was a Healer!
With this as my closing paragraph today confirms that our children energetically live parallel lives, cyclical to our existence. As the years have gone by, I witness his experiences and writings (he is also a poet) and how much we as parents share those energetic lines, thoughts, emotions parallel to each other's lives. I´ll continue doing the cleansing meditation CD while I am here and share more jewels to come.
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