So I keep reminding myself that everything is just the way its suppose to be. The Nicotiana seeds were just seeds a while ago and now look at her (I posted a picture on the right) she is developing with a full body and leaves that are expanding each day more and more. I feel so much respect and I can give her that now that I have respect for myself.
So the thought today was about letting go completely even though the habit is to find a way to sabotage the moment or compare myself with the other so somehow I seem to be left on the short end with "not enough" or "poor me" and the balance is knowing and recognizing that "this too shall pass" so those thoughts that cling on to my essence begin to dissipate and melt away with the being in love that I've chosen to become or better said something greater than me has chosen to enter and fill my heart with pure light and allowing my roots to extend. Only love extends my roots, the other mood only shrinks and shrivel my roots. When I am in love there is boundless giving, boundless light to shine, greater smiles to share.
So its pretty clear as to which one to choose, do I want to be a shrinking and shriveled little old lady or an ancient deeply rooted tree....hmmm
more to come through these branches, soon some juicy yummy fruits........................
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