Thursday, September 24, 2009

Loving Life

Sunlight woke me up today like a soft caress over my sleep saying its time, its time to rise and feel the light. I walked over to the kitchen and the door opens to the west, north west to be more specific and in that opening I sensed a new beggining. The beggining of living in a new vibration. The vibration of pure love. Everything grows with love and being love resonates in a tune that everyone can recognize. Children love that tune and dance with it and shine with...I´ve been visualizing more and more that little girl within me that stopped dancing early on and now she is near, she is so close to me that it allows me to see again the beauty of playfulness and constant flow of energy. It is filled with sparkles as they look at you and run around following the colors that float around them like if they were hunting for easter eggs. I saw how they stop for details and how they feel for things, how they watch the sand run through their fingers. A constant state of awe for everything around them.


  1. I'm going to read this before going to bed at night. That way when I wake up instead of thinking ooohh I don't want to get out of bed I'll remember how beautiful it is to greet a new day full of love and opportunity. Thanks Jackie.
